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From the Eyes of Mark: Part 1 The Good News Has Arrived!

“From the Eyes of Mark”

An 11 week journey through the life and ministry of Jesus Christ leading up to the Good Friday, Palm Sunday and Easter Passover Service.

Part I

The Good News Has Arrived! Mark 1:1-13

  1. _________ Jesus

  2. The Messenger _______ (Isaiah 40:3)

  3. The Messenger __________the Way

  4. Preaching

  5. ____________

  6. ____________

  7. ___________

  8. __________ with Water

  9. _____________of Jesus

  10. Baptized With __________

  11. Baptized with the ________ _________

  12. Why? ___________________________

  13. ________________ of Jesus

A. Led Into the

1. By the _ __________

2. Why? _________________________

B. He

1. For _______ days and ________ nights

2. Why? __________________________

C. He was by (Matthew 4:1-11)

1. To Make out of and Eat!

2. To Off the Temple

3. To _________to Satan

4. Why? __________________________

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