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Vital for Real Living
Philippians 1:9-12 Sense of ___________ To ___________ To _________ To be a _______________ Sense of ______ we ________ God’s precious...

A Different Kind of Life
John 3:1-8 I. A ___________ heart A. A man of ____________ B. A man of _____________ II. A ____________ heart A. Sees that Jesus is...

Loving God, Loving Each Other Part 4
Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles. All the believers were together and had...

Loving God, Loving Each Other Part 3
Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. GALATIANS 6:2 Today’s Focus: God’s people care for one...

Loving God, Loving Each Other
Loving God—Loving Each Other Offering Ourselves to God Today’s Focus: God’s people have devoted themselves fully to Him My Decision: I...

Prayer & Thanksgiving
A time of Prayer & Giving Thanks

Bringing Meaning to Life
John 15:1-10

Now What? It's GO time!
I. _________ Him: -Jesus gave the great commission before the coming of the Spirit. -Not a great suggestion, it was the great...

What Now?
Acts 1:3-14 Time to _______ by _________ You have been given a ___________ You have ________ me _________ Time to be ___________ by the...

In the Hands of the Potter
Jeremiah 18:1-6 The Purpose of the _______ _______ the clay _______ the clay The Purpose of the _____ ___________ to the Potter...
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